Monday, November 11, 2019

Monday, November 4, 2019

KW high jump

 here is a google drawing of me about to approach  the high jump i have made this with google drawing. in here i have used shapes and colours to make this. i have done high jump because it is my favorite activity out of long jump, ball throw and sprints

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Thursday, September 26, 2019


  Kupe was the first Polynesian to discover the islands in New Zealand.

Kupe had made his way to new zealand with these 3 ways a compass, a man made map  and he followed the 9 matariki sisters. kupe followed a giant octopus which was called a wheke octopus  and the octopus lead him to new zealand. He was also killed by an octopus. the Stories of Kupes are held in the North island. he sailed here in his waka while taking knowledge, an axe and braveness with him. his wife begged him not to fight the octopus but he did So kupe hunted down the octopus so he could kill it.

Friday, August 16, 2019

cross country training

finally the day had come the cross country for after training for 2 week it was finally here. but sadly I couldn't make it because my jaw was saw. so i just relaxed all day and watch some movies but I saw all of the kids excited but nervous. i seen all of the year sixes siten on the tapolen but i didn't get to see the race.

before the race every day we would go out to alfreds cox park and do 3 laps around the course. finally I had finished the practice run whwwhww!!!  as I breathe deeply without getting air whew as I wipe my face with all the sweat on it finely i say as my legs felt like jelly.

it was awapuni last training have come so walked out to alfred cox. go as the teacher says i was on my 2nd lap  when am I going to finish  i say in my head it looked like water had got tipped on me but it just was a lot of sweat I could see the finish line so I happily boosted to the end. finally!! we had finished the practice race and went back to school.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Winter poetry

me and room 2 have made a poem  and then we had done a screencastify of what winter is for us.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

tui 250

this week me and room 2 have been learning about tui 250 and here is our birds we have created. so at first we had coloured in the tui 250 birds and then we had done it online.